Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Radio Bulletin - Written Piece

Story 1 – prescription charges (with audio)

NHS Prescription charges in England are to increase by another twenty pence, the government has announced.

Patients in England will have to pay £7.40 for each item prescribed by a doctor.

Campaigners including the British Medical Association disagree with the rise and Doctors and patients have warned the extra charges could cost lives for those who cannot afford their medication.

But not all Healthcare providers disagree with the rise.

Sue Champney, a Dispenser for Lloyds Pharmacy, believes the increase will be a benefit.

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Story 2 – Adult social care (no audio)

Hampshire County Council has made a proposal to change the way adult social care is paid. The meeting held on Monday discussed the changes to the current Adult Social Care service including the need for individual financial assessments.

The Council said they aim to bring the services together so plans will ensure people choosing from the range of non residential and short term residential services would contribute based on their ability to pay not the services they choose.

Felicity Hindsman, the Executive for adult social care, said the current system was not fair and the individual financial assessments are needed for people using the services.

Story 3 – Holiday parks (with audio)

Family holidays abroad are less likely to take off this year after the UK’s biggest holiday companies increase fuel surcharges.

Tour operators add as much as £160 to the price of a long haul trip.

But this could be a benefit for the UK’s economy with more people holidaying closer to home instead. People are expecting they will holiday in Britain in a bid to save money and Britain’s family holiday parks are likely to see more visitors this year than they have in the past.

Pamela Andrews, Sales Team Leader, at Sandy Balls holiday centre in The New Forest, said parks will benefit.

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